Hello blog! it's been what? 5 months since the last time I updated you and I think I need to explain where I have been.
For the last five months I've been asking myself what do I really want in my life? I start questioning myself about the things I can do, about my achievements because literally although I'm earning a lot of money I felt that this job isn't right for me. There is always lacking, there is always something missing and for a person who always knows what she wants it drives me crazy knowing that I really don't know what is wrong.
And I take a break.
A really long one.
Until I haven't been decided which part of my life do I need to change.
It took me 3 or 4 months (I can't remember but something around that time) until I'm fully decided what I want. Perhaps this is what we called Quarter-Life Crisis.
I want to change.
I want to reset everything.
So to start of with

Coloring my hair in BLACK. I know for some it's nothing it's just a hair but for me it's something precious. I really don't like a black hair color for me, I think it doesn't suit me aside from I looked like ordinary girl with the black hair f.y.i I don't want to be ordinary, I want to be remarkable and my hair does the job to set me apart from others. To be somewhat "remarkable". I can't even remember when was the last time I dye my hair into black. As of speaking I'm itching to change my hair color again, what do you think?
QUESTION: Is it okay to eat a 3-day old tinapa even if you don't put it in fridge? because I'm eating one now, so if I got food poison we know who to blame hahaha :)
Who would have thought that I will become a Teacher? I knew this is what I want to become a full pledge teacher. It's not easy actually, the tests are difficult than the normal ones (well in the school I'm belong with it was really tough one) the only thing that drives me to pursue this is my passion. And believe me when I tell you that it was heart warming when you know a child is learning something from you. Although my salary was not the same as I had before but I think so far this is the best decision I have made.
Aside from working in the Academe, I also got some 18 units this is preparation for my M.A gotta work on with my neurons. I'm down for my last 2 modules and I'm done with it.
And I'm on my 3rd book for this year, I'm currently reading this. I still have 2 months to finish my 5 books goals for this year. This book actually burn the fuel for me to write again.
And that's it. These are all the things that keeps me busy these past few months. I'll try my best to keep you guys updated thru writing because video editing took me a lot of time and most of my time I spend reading my school book or taking some quiz.
Have a great weekend!